Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hi, my name is Rebecca and I am a TV Addict

I have a love hate relationship with nights like these. Nights where I know I shouldn't have had that Chai Latte Ice Tea so late in the day but happy the house is quite and everyone is sleeping. This is where the mind doesn't sleep and so neither do I. I have to be up in 6 hours for my daughters soccer game. I won't get a nap because I have my son’s soccer game to attend in the afternoon and it is my day to bring the snacks. Which I have not shopped for so that is what I will be doing in between then games. 

What to write about at an hour such as this? Is it the time to complain that I have no self control and spend my time watching all the seasons of Gossip Girl on Netflix. I am on Season 2 by the way so please don't spoil it for me by making any comments about what is currently happening on the show. Is the show still running? Don't bother answering me I can go on and find out. I love that app. I keep it close by for any random question I have of my latest viewing pleasure. I am sad to say that this show is quite the guilty pleasure. I can't exactly say why I love this show, but it sucks me in, well like most shows do. Today I giggled at scenes I am too embarrassed to mention. Tonight  I actually skipped down my hallway grinning from ear to ear, because the moment came when I was able to wiggle away from my sleeping son to grab a slice of pizza. I then took that slice of pizza back to bed with me, unpaused Gossip Girl and watched until my husband came to bed. I was about 2 inches from turning it back to Gossip Girl until my husband stirred and I decided it was better to write. But, what do I write about. Geez, my addiction to the show! I got problems. Netflix streaming is a dream come true and a curse all in it's self. I will admit it is not just Gossip Girl. It was Mad Men just before, and Greys Anatomy before that. I could go on to list, American Pickers, Weeds, Dexter, and Veronica Mars, but if I did I would feel compelled to tell you about, Lie to Me, 24, and The Office. I do have an excuse for my behavior. I wasn't always a TV addict. I used to read books, write and hang out with friends and family. I really feel like blaming this on my littlest and latest addition to the family, Payton. When he was really little I would read and nurse. But, as he got older 4 or 5 months, he got very picky about how he would nurse. He likes to be in bed with me on his side. He does not want me talking, or holding any book or typing on a computer. He will just stop nursing and get bitchy at me. He will actually shhhush me when I speak and knock any book out of my hand. I can get cleaver and contort my body so that he is not bothered by the book in my hand but it is not comfortable at all. And so came the habit of watching TV, whenever I nursed. It started with watching movies. But, I think I watched all the movies worth watching and many that were not. So, I turned to TV shows. Which never end! There is always something that forces you to watch the next episode. I literally have to pep talk myself out of my room so I can go about my other mommy duties. I know this won’t always be a problem but I can’t help but feel guilty. I never waste this much of my time on TV. I would rather waste my time reading a great book or writing the next great American novel, not wondering if Chuck and Blair will ever make a real go of it. 

xo xo,   Gossip Girl 

Sorry, couldn’t help myself! - Rebecca 

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