Friday, September 14, 2012

My Heaven

I took my oldest son to King Fish in Glendale, and spent $97.45 on sushi grade fish and all the fixens for some sushi.

My son spent a few months last spring in Colorado with his Grandpa, who taught him how to make some basic sushi. I had meant to take him to purchase all that was needed to make some for us once he had returned but I just never made it go right or took the time to take him shopping. But, today the itch came and I scratched. 

Once we got home he went straight to work to prep for dinner. I went to nurse my youngest to sleep for his nap time. When I came out Gabriel (the oldest, 13 years) and my middle child, Alabama (9 years old) were getting along - a rare sight - and cutting and prepping for dinner TOGETHER. I walked away, hoping not to jinx this moment. 

When I returned after a relaxing shower, I found my daughter at the dinning room table, working on a math page- don't even remember asking her to do that, and Gabriel finishing up the most amazing spicy tuna, which he promptly had me try. 
This is Gabriel posing for the camera, with the spicy tuna he just made. 

This is my heaven.

As I type, my daughter is constructing a board game for later play. My house is not clean, but my children are happy and creating. I still have an hour before my husband should be home from work so my house will be clean soon. I <3 "unschooling," it is night and day to being a "homeschooling" teacher/mother. It is so nice not to stressed out about how many lessons got done. My kids are growing a learning and RETAINING their education. 

Best, Rebecca on Cloud 9

P.S. To top it off my baby boy, Payton, just woke up from his nap and angelically came out of his room  with a book in tow to read with me. 

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