Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Morning So Far...

I have friends coming over to my house for a play date, today. The reason I decided to have a little play date at my house was because I thought it would help me get the house clean. It worked, I just cleaned it too soon. I had the house looking great on Friday. The problem with that is we had a sleepover and Halloween this past weekend. I had two soccer games and plenty of other weekend distractions. Also, my oldest son just turned 13 on Monday, so I have my work cut out for me. Really, I should be cleaning right now. 

Here I am being distracted, because I just had to share. I thought I would be smart and kill two birds with one stone my having my 9 year daughter take a bath with my 1 year old son. That way I don’t have to do the bathing and I can get some cleaning done. Only, as I am making my way to the bathroom to take them out do I hear yelling from my daughter. When I arrived to the bath, I see my daughter standing on the edge of the bathtub. “Why?” You ask? Cause my son, Payton, had pooped in the bathtub. Yay!!!! I just spent the past 30 minutes cleaning my tub and children. 

Okay, back to work! 

Love, Rebecca

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